1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Facilities Requiring Consideration of Extreme Loads
1.4 Description of Potential Design-Basis Hazards
1.5 Loads Typically Considered in Design of Safety-Related Structures, Systems and
Components (SSC) in High-Hazard Facilities
1.6 Categorization and Classification of Functional Safety-Related Mission Essential and Performance
1.7 References
2 Risk-Based and Risk-Informed Design Bases
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Probabilistic-Defined Safety Goals and Hazard Definition
2.3 Application of Probability Concepts for Evaluation of Service and Severe Loads
2.4 Application of Probability Concepts for Evaluation of Extreme or Rare Natural Hazard Loads
2.5 Application of Probability Concepts for Evaluation of Man-Induced Accidental Extreme Loads
2.6 Use of Code-Defined Importance Factors to Develop Probabilistic Hazard Curves
2.7 Probabilistic Behavior and Design
2.8 References
3 Load Phenomena
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Static
3.3 Dynamic
3.4 Classification of Loads
3.5 Loads Considered in Design of Hazardous Facilities
3.6 References
4 Acceptance Criteria
4.1 Introduction
4.2 ASME B&PVC Section III
4.3 ASME B&PVC Section VIII
4.4 ASME B31.3 Process Piping
4.5 ASME B31.1 Power Piping
4.6 References
5 Earthquake Design and Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Earthquake Physical Phenomena
5.3 Seismic Load Definition
5.4 Response Spectra
5.5 Determination of Seismic Loads on Structural Systems
5.6 Coupled Versus Uncoupled Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical (Secondary) Systems
5.7 Development and use of Spacing Tables and Charts for Seismic Design of Piping and other Distribution Systems
5.8 References
6 Natural Hazard Design and Analysis other than Earthquake
6.1 Wind
6.2 Physical Phenomena
6.3 Load Definition
6.4 Wind Design and Construction of Mechanical Components and Supports
6.5 In-Line Wind and Differential Pressure Loading
6.6 Missile Loads
6.7 Flood and Precipitation Load
6.8 Volcano Effects
6.9 Lightening Protection
6.10 References
7 Blast Design and Analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Explosive Quantity and Distance and Resultant Pressures and Durations
7.3 Equivalent Static Loads (ESL)
7.4 Damage and Failure of Buildings, Primary Load Path, Architectural Features,
Contents and Occupants
7.5 Example Problems
7.6 Design Action of Shield Structures
7.7 References
8 High-Energy Systems Extreme Load Design and Analysis
8.1 Pipe Rupture and Leakage Effects
8.2 Missiles
8.3 Steam and Water Hammer
8.4 Relieve Valve Design
8.5 Heavy Load Drop
8.6 References
9 Vibration Response of Fluid Distribution Systems
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 High-Frequency Vibration Mechanics
9.2 Excitation Mechanisms and Distribution System Response
9.3 Vibration Analysis According to ASME Nuclear Standard
9.4 Simplified Methods
9.5 Inaccessible Pipes
9.6 Evaluation of the Fatigue Effect due to Operating Vibrations by Analysis
9.7 Corrective Actions
9.8 Use of Pipework Viscous Dampers to Reduce Vibration of Piping
9.9 References
10 Seismic Evaluation of Buried Pipelines, Tunnels and Vaults
10.1 Wave Propagation
10.2 Ground Strain and Curvature due to Wave Propagation
10.3 Simplified Approaches to Assess the Strain and Curvature of a Straight Continuous Buried
System due to Wave Propagation
10.4 Friction Strain Model Ground Strains and Displacements Developed Along the Buried System
10.5 Finite-Element Approach to Evaluate Sectional Forces Acting on Buried Systems
10.6 Acceptance Criteria 10.6.1 Straight Continuous Pipeline
10.7 Acceptance Criteria—Concrete Pipe Tunnels and Vaults
10.8 References
11 Quality Assurance and Control in Construction and Procurement of Safety-Related
Structures, Systems and Components in Hazardous Facilities
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Safety-Related Classifications
11.3 Quality in the Constructed Project
11.4 Role of a Project Quality Assurance Group
11.5 Quality Control
11.6 Recommendations and Conclusions
11.7 References
Appendix 11 A: A Comparison of Quality Assurance Systems: Basic Requirements Between
ISO-9001-94 and ASME NQA-1-2-10CFR50 Appendix B
Appendix 11 B: Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee Joint Audit Program
Appendix 11 C: ASME Quality Assurance Committee Review of NQA-1 and ISO-9001
Appendix 11 D: IAEA Review of ISO-9001 Quality Assurance for Nuclear Projects
Appendix 11 E: Construction-Lessons Learned/Transition to Operations’ Practical Quality
Assurance—A Better Approach to Nuclear Construction and Operations, 1989 0
Appendix 11 F: Summary of a Typical Approach to a Graded Quality Assurance Program Manual