Chapter 1
Glossary of Soil Science Terms;
1.1 Terms;
1.2 Soil and Physical Relationships.
Chapter 2
Soil Chemistry;
2.1 Colloids: The Reactive Soil Fraction;
2.2 Clay Minerals;
2.3 Mineral Expansibility;
2.4 Sources of CEC;
2.5 Physical Properties of Soils;
2.6 Soil Water Content and Availability.
Chapter 3
Contamination and Impacts of Exploration and Production Waste Constituents;
3.1 Introduction;
3.2 Drilling Operations;
3.3 Producing Operations;
3.4 Impact of Contaminants.
Chapter 4
Sampling Methods and Protocols;
4.1 Introduction;
4.2 Site Investigation;
4.3 Equipment Decontamination;
4.4 Sample Collection;
4.5 Solids/Sludge Sampling Protocol;
4.6 Compositing Samples;
4.7 Field Quality Assurance;
4.8 Field Notebook;
4.9 Trip Blank;
4.10 Split Samples;
4.11 Electromagnetic Induction (EM) Surverys for Large Volume Impacts;
4.12 Site Investigation.
Chapter 5
Sampling Program;
5.1 Large Facility Impoundments;
5.2 Statistical Validation;
5.3 Zonal Composites;
5.4 Large-Pit Sampling Considerations;
5.5 Reserve Pits;
5.6 Sampling Strategy;
5.7 Core Composite Validation;
5.8 Future Sampling Considerations.
Chapter 6
Protocol for Chemical Analyses;
6.1 Soluble Constituent Analyses;
6.2 Preparation of Saturated Paste and EC Analysis;
6.3 Peripheral Analyses and Relationships;
6.4 Soil/Waste Reaction;
6.5 Soluble Cations;
6.6 Soluble Anions;
6.7 Quantitative and Quality Control;
6.8 Solid Phase Analyses;
6.9 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC);
6.10 Exchangeable Cation Distribution;
6.11 Analytical Procedures;
6.13 Total Metals Analyses;
6.13.1 Acid Digestion;
6.13.2 Quality Control and Assurance;
6.14 Organic Analyses.
Chapter 7
Limiting Constituent Criteria;
7.1 Introduction;
7.2 State Regulations;
7.3 American Petroleum Institute Metals Criteria;
7.4 Pit Utilization and Waste Management (“NOW” Defined);
7.5 Site Indexing;
7.6 Guidelines for Limiting Constituents.
Chapter 8
Soil Amendments;
8.1 Introduction;
8.2 Soil Reaction (pH) Amendments;
8.3 Salinity Amendments;
8.4 E&P Release Events and Treatment Scenarios;
8.5 Scenario I—Light Crude Oil Release on Soil;
8.6 Scenario II—Heavy Crude Oil Spill on Soil;
8.7 Scenario III—Light Crude Oil and Produced Water Spill on Soil.
Chapter 9
Clean Closure Techniques;
9.1 Introduction;
9.2 Site Closure Considerations;
9.3 Decommissioning;
9.4 Closure Options;
9.5 Minimum Management;
9.6 Burial;
9.7 Dilution Burial;
9.8 Land Treatment;
9.9 In Situ Leach for Saline Pit Solids;
9.10 In Situ Bioremediation for Oily Waste Solids;
9.11 Solidification/Chemical Stabilization;
9.12 Road Spreading;
9.13 Third-Party Disposal;
9.14 Pit Closure Documentation.
Chapter 10
Problem Set;
10.1 Introduction;
10.2 Problems;
10.3 Solution to Problems;
10.4 Soil Loading Formula for Oklahoma;
Appendix I
Limiting Constituents for Land Disposal of Petroleum Extraction Industry Wastes;
I-1 Introduction;
I-2 Background;
I-3 Dissolved Constituent Relationships;
I-4 Dissolved Constituent Impacts;
I-5 Leaching Impacts;
I-6 Soil Chemistry;
I-7 Cation Exchange Capacity;
I-8 Sodium Adsorption Ratio;
I-9 Exchangeable Sodium Percentage;
I-10 Soil Chemistry Impacts;
I-11 Soil Chemistry Limiting Values;
I-12 Hydrocarbon Impacts;
I-13 Oil Mobility;
I-14 Bioremediation;
I-15 Reserve Pit Operation;
I-16 Summary of Thresholds and Applications;
I-17 Flow Diagrams;
I-18 Sample Calculations;
I-19 Determination of Limiting Constituent(s).
A Oil & Grease;
D Cation Exchange Capacity;
E E&P Sample Preparation;
F Exchangeable Cations;
H Saturated Paste Extract.
Appendix II
E&P Total Metals Analysis;
II-1 Introduction;
II-2 Acid Digestion of Sludges;
II-3 Total Barium.
Appendix III
Field Sampling for Locating Groundwater Tables;
III-1 Introduction;
III-2 Procedure;
II-3 Interpretation.
Appendix IV
pH Limiting Criteria for Management of Onshore E&P Wastes;
IV-1 Introduction;
IV-2 pH and Related Chemistry;
IV-3 Hydrolysis Reactors and Buffers;
IV-4 Ion Exchange;
IV-5 Soil Buffers;
IV-6 Analytical Methods;
IV-7 Water Analysis for pH;
IV-8 Waste Analysis for pH;
IV-9 Soil Buffers;
IV-10 Acidic Buffers;
IV-11 Alkaline Buffers;
IV-12 pH Impacts on Plants;
IV-13 Soil pH Amendments;
IV-14 pH Characteristics of E&P Wastes;
IV-15 Environmental Impact of pH.
A E&P Sample Preparation;
B pH Determination;
C Alkalinity (Acid Requirement);
D Active Acidity (Lime Requirement).