Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Awards

The Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Best Paper Award is given to the paper recognized by the Editor and Editorial Board for its outstanding contribution to the field of mechanisms and robotics published by JMR each year. The award includes a wall plaque for each author and announcements in a JMR Editorial, the companion website (, and through the journal’s online social media channels. The award is presented annually at the ASME IDETC-CIE Conference at the JMR Spotlight Session.

Guillaume Jeanneau, Vincent Bégoc, Sébastien Briot
Experimental Safety Analysis of R-Min, an Underactuated Parallel Robot

Vu Linh Nguyen
Realization of a Gear-Spring Balancer With Variable Payloads and Its Application to Serial Robots

Qingyu Xiao, Mishek Musa, Isuru S. Godage, Hao Su, Yue Chen
Kinematics and Stiffness Modeling of Soft Robot With a Concentric Backbone

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