BPV Section VIII and BPV Section IX Kick Off Argentina International Working Group

BPV Section VIII and BPV Section IX Kick Off Argentina International Working Group

BPV VIII Chair Steve Roberts (right) begins the workshop an overview of ASME.
ASME staff & volunteers, INTI staff, and IWG members pose for a photo.

On February 19-21, 2020, ASME commenced the formation of International Working Groups (IWGs) representing Argentina for the Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Section VIII Standards Committee on Pressure Vessels and BPV Section IX Standards Committee on Welding, Brazing, & Fusing. This event was a collaboration between ASME and the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), who hosted the three-day workshop at their headquarters in Buenos Aires, AR. It follows the recent formation of IWGs for Nuclear Sections BPV III on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components and BPV XI on Nuclear Inservice Inspection in September 2019, and continues the developmental work both intuitions have carried out since 2009.

ASME staff Jim Ramirez (left) addresses the group alongside INTI Engineer Alejandro Burgueño (right).
Presentations covered topics such as the state of the industry in Argentina and advancements in boiler pressure vessel activity. Attendees included a variety of industry representatives such as manufacturers, inspectors, and regulatory bodies. Members of the BPV Committee on Pressure Vessels (VIII) and BPV Committee on Welding, Brazing, & Fusing (IX) presented overviews of standards activity and reviewed performance plans for the workings groups. The BPV VIII Argentina International Working Group and BPV IX Argentina International Working Group plan to meet three times per year, meeting schedules and additional information can be found online using the links provided.

For more information, contact Erika Lawson (+1.212.591.8094).

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