BPV Section XI, Nuclear Inservice Inspection India International Working Group (IWG) Holds Kickoff Meeting

BPV Section XI, Nuclear Inservice Inspection India International Working Group (IWG) Holds Kickoff Meeting

The BPV Section XI India IWG Kickoff Meeting was held on Saturday, June 29, 2019 in Mumbai, India. Participants included six of the eight newly appointed members, an additional four interested visitors, as well as Madhukar Sharma, ASME Marketing Manager, Kimberly Verderber, S&C Engineer and BPV Section XI Staff, Kathryn Hyam, ASME S&C Project Engineering Manager, and the BPV Section XI representative, Nathan Palm. The initial meeting covered various topics including policies, procedures, expectations, an overview of BPV Section XI, and C&S Connect training. The BPV Section XI India IWG leadership was established and the next meeting was held October 12, 2019 in Mumbai, India.

For more information, contact Kimberly Verderber (+1.212.591.8721)

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