Quiz: An Ode to Typewriters

Quiz: An Ode to Typewriters

Find out what you know about the typewriter with this ASME quiz.
Although Gen-X and above may still remember the days of using typewriters in class, for the under-40 set, they've certainly become another relic of the past. Despite that, they have been seeing something of a resurgence of late, perhaps thanks at least in part to the powerful influence of Taylor Swift's latest album. Plus, June 23 also marked International Typewriter Day.

But typewriters will always hold a special place in the hearts of typing purists, as there's nothing quite as satisfying as those tactile clackity clacks. This device's place in mechanical engineering history is a notable one, not only for the role it's played in speeding the pace of writing, but also its societal impacts. It was the typewriter, after all, that created such a huge demand for typists that finally allowed women to enter the workforce in droves.

Test your knowledge about the typewriter's history and inner workings with this ASME quiz.


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