Video: Advanced Manufacturing: 3D Printing Is Changing the World
Exploring the role Additive Manufacturing plays in the 21st century, and its relevance to early career engineers and engineering students as they look forward to entering the workforce; Jay Beversdorf, Application Engineer, Stratasys, Inc. moderates a five-part discussion with a panel of experts.
The panelist have in-depth knowledge and experience in the manufacturing industry: Dr. Farzad Rayegani, Ph.D., P. Eng., FEC., Associate Dean, Professor Director, Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies; James Janeteas, President & CEO, Cimetrix Solutions, Inc.; Timothy Simpson, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Penn State University; and William Predebon, Mechanical Engineering Department Chair, and Engineering Mechanics Professor at Michigan Tech.
Part 5: Manufacturing experts discuss trends in technology and the direction they perceive additive manufacturing will take as it is further developed and accessible.
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