Video: Celebrating Diversity: LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2023
ASME continues its commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in and outside the engineering profession—during and beyond LGBTQ+ Pride Month. ASME’s Pride Group, an ad-hoc cohort of our LGBTQ+ members, volunteers, and staff, has been a key forum in fostering an inclusive environment throughout ASME by advancing LGBTQ+ visibility and professional networking. Last year, ASME established our first employee resource group (ERG), focused on supporting the LGBTQ+ community among ASME staff. ASME has launched two scholarships for LGBTQ+ engineering students in partnership with oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Out to Innovate. Our goal with these scholarships is to encourage young LGBTQ+ students to pursue careers in engineering. To learn more about ASME’s work to further LGBTQ+ inclusion, visit Fostering Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a continuous effort, and we are dedicated to making ASME and the broader engineering profession a more welcoming environment.