Video: Engineering Public Service

Dr. Benjamin Cohen served as an ASME Congressional Fellow (2012) in the office of Senator Sherrod Brown (Washington D.C.) where he advised the senator and staff on issues related to science and technology. He talks about his experience and how it led him down the engineering advocacy career path.

About the ASME Congressional Fellowship

ASME Congressional Fellows spend one year in Washington, D.C. working with the staff of a congressional committee, U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative. Congressional Fellowships are designed to demonstrate the value of engineering-government interaction, bring technical backgrounds and external perspectives to the decision making process in Congress and provide a unique public policy learning experience to the Fellow.

All ASME Fellows will be awarded a stipend of $75,000 for the one year Fellowship. ASME Federal Fellows typically serve from September through August, but a January through December term is sometimes an option.

For additional information and application details visit the ASME Federal Government Fellowship Program website.

© The copyright of this program is owned by ASME.

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