Video: Ranga Komanduri: M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal Winner
Ranga Komanduri was Regents Professor and A.H. Nelson Jr. Chair in Engineering at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. There, he developed state-of the-art research facilities, where his work included development of hard, wear-resistant coatings for cutting tools. He also worked on molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of nanometric cutting and tribology, thermal aspects of various manufacturing processes, and electrocardiogram signal analysis for identification of cardiac disorders. He held 22 patents.
An ASME fellow, he served in various posts within the society, including chair of the Production Engineering Division's Executive Committee. He was presented with the society's Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award, among others. He earned a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and Master's degree in heat power engineering at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, and his Ph.D. and D. Eng. at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Komanduri passed away in September 2011.
Learn more about Ranga Komanduri and the ASME/SME Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal.
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