Abstracts Due Soon for NSF Poster Competition at IMECE
Abstracts Due Soon for NSF Poster Competition at IMECE
Abstracts are now being accepted for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Student Poster Competition at the ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2020), to be held this November in Portland, Ore. The deadline for students and recent graduates to submit an abstract for the competition, which provides engineering students with the opportunity to share their research with their fellow students and their professional colleagues, is July 13.
The NSF Student Poster Competition is a venue where students and graduates can present their posters based on NSF-funded research and have the chance to meet and interact with other researchers from single-focus, multidisciplinary, and international backgrounds.
The track is divided into two topics: NSF-funded Research (graduate and undergraduate) and NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Both will be held simultaneously in the same venue to promote networking and knowledge sharing by the participants, with awards being presented to recognize the track’s outstanding posters and presenters. For details, including requirements for participating in the student poster competition, visit the NSF Student Poster Competition page on ASME.org.
Abstracts should be submitted via the IMECE website by July 13. Students will receive their poster acceptance notifications by July 27. Coordinating this year’s event are competition organizer Po-Hao Huang of the University of Arkansas and co-organizers Zhiting Tian of Cornell University and Trevor Terrill of Dixie State University.
For more information on the NSF Student Poster Competition and how to submit an abstract, visit https://event.asme.org/IMECE/Program/NSF. Engineers who would like to serve as a judge for the competition should submit their name, email address, and work affiliation to the track organizers at asmejudging@gmail.com.