ASME Board Room Dedicated to Esther and Richard Rosenberg

Richard Rosenberg (left) and his wife, Esther (seated), during the announcement of their daughter's surprise gift and the renaming of the ASME Board Room in their honor.

On April 18th, ASME ‘s new home at 2 Park Avenue was officially opened at a ribbon cutting ceremony and celebration that was attended by the Board of Governors, special guests and many staff members who have been with ASME for many years. At the ceremony, the ASME Board Room was renamed as The Esther and Richard Rosenberg Board Room, in honor of the Rosenbergs’ lifetime commitment to the engineering profession and dedication to ASME.

Richard Rosenberg, who served as the 106th president of ASME from 1987 to 1988, attended the ribbon cutting with his wife, Esther. Neither of them knew the conference room was to be renamed in their honor. The Rosenbergs’ daughter, Dianne C. Rosenberg, M.D., had made the surprise gift through the ASME Foundation’s 2 Park Avenue Campaign, which allows participants to pay tribute to friends and family members, commemorate great contributions to the field, or simply give back to the profession while also making a significant gift to support ASME’s Foundation programs in K-12 STEM education, university student programming, and humanitarian engineering.

(From left) ASME Executive Director Thomas Loughlin, Esther and Richard Rosenberg, ASME President-Elect Madiha Kotb, and ASME President Marc Goldsmith at the 2 Park Avenue ceremony.

The Foundation continues to receive contributions towards 2 Park where each room will recognize and celebrate volunteer leaders, ASME partners and individuals who over the years have helped shape and form ASME in to the great organization that it is today. Naming opportunities are still available at many levels, from the headquarters’ main public space, "The Hub," to individual conference and reception areas, board rooms, team work areas, and gallery spaces.

For more information on the 2 Park Avenue Support Campaign, contact Matt Schatzle, Executive Director, ASME Foundation, at either (202) 785-7393 or

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