Chronicles of Mechanical Engineering In the United States

Chronicles of Mechanical Engineering In the United States

Issued in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of ASME’s History and Heritage Committee, a new book titled Chronicles of Mechanical Engineering in the United States, collects, in a single place, historical contributions published over the past fifty years in ASME’s flagship magazine Mechanical Engineering. Included in its 425 pages are dozens of articles about the history of the mechanical engineering profession. The book is richly illustrated with over 250 photographs and other images.

Experimental Breeder Reactor I
From its founding in 1880, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers has recorded the history of mechanical engineering and the careers of some of its notable practitioners. These efforts were formalized in 1971 with the creation of ASME’s History and Heritage Committee.
Edited by H&H committee members Thomas H. Fehring, P.E., and Terry S. Reynolds, Ph.D., Chronicles of Mechanical Engineering in the United States tells the stories of mechanical engineering in the newly formed nation and the involvement of the nation’s founders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The book also tells the history of ASME, with an emphasis on boiler and pressure vessel safety, and mechanical engineering history in the fields of energy, aviation, land transportation and other aspects of human life.
LSPP Courtesy of We Energies
The engineering innovations described in these articles have been extremely important to the development of modern technology. The stories behind their development will be of interest to engineers, educators, and historians who desire a deeper understanding of the rich history of the mechanical engineering profession.
 By Tom Fehring, P.E.
ASME History & Heritage Committee


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