Dynamic Systems and Control to be Focus of New ASME Letters Journal

Dynamic Systems and Control to be Focus of New ASME Letters Journal

Articles are now being accepted for a new ASME Letters journal, ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control. Although the journal will officially launch in January 2021, articles that have been accepted for it will begin to be published later this year on The ASME Digital Collection.

Designed as a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of high-quality, original theoretical and applied research on topics of interest to the dynamics and control community, ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control is intended to provide a platform for the global engineering community to quickly share timely and novel work to help shape the future of the dynamic systems and control field.

Articles to be included in the journal will cover a variety of topics, including modeling, identification, diagnostics, intelligent systems, mechatronics, automotive and transportation systems, bio-systems and health care, energy systems, robotics, vibrations, and smart structures.

Submissions for ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, which will be subject to ASME’s standard, stringent peer-review process, should be limited to 2,500-5,000 words (approximately 3-6 pages), with rapid, online publication of accepted papers targeted within six weeks of submission. All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the ASME Author Guidelines and submitted through the ASME Journal web page by selecting “ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control” from the menu.

The editor for the new journal is Peter H. Meckl, Ph.D., assistant head of mechanical engineering and professor of mechanical engineering, Purdue University, U.S.A., meckl@purdue.edu.

For more information on ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, visit https://journaltool.asme.org/home/JournalDescriptions.cfm?JournalID=35&Journal=ALDSC. To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit www.asme.org/publications-submissions/journals.

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