ASME to Hold Five Human Powered Vehicle Challenges This Year

ASME to Hold Five Human Powered Vehicle Challenges This Year

The Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC) in India — the first of five HPVC events ASME will sponsor this year — takes place next month. Forty-one teams are registered to compete at the event, which will be held March 17 to 19 at Vellore Institute of Technology in Chennai, India.

For more than 30 years, the ASME HPVC program has provided engineering students with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills at applying sound engineering design principles while developing sustainable and practical transportation alternatives. Students work in teams to design and build prototypes of efficient, highly engineered vehicles for everyday use — from commuting to work, to carrying goods to market.

The three-day HPVC India competition will encompass different events each day, starting with a design evaluation on Thursday, March 17, followed by a drag race speed competition on Friday, March 18, and a two-and-a-half hour endurance event on Saturday, March 19. An awards ceremony and banquet dinner will follow the endurance event.

In addition to HPVC India, ASME will hold four additional Human Powered Vehicle Challenges this year. The first of these, HPVC West, which is sponsored by the ASME Santa Clara Valley Section, will take place from April 22 to 24 in San Jose, Calif. HPVC East will follow a few weeks later, from May 13-15 at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Two other events, HPVC Mexico and HPVC Latin America, are also being planned for this fall.

For more information on ASME Human Powered Vehicle Challenges, visit or the HPVC Community Page at

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