IAB Meeting Focuses on ASME Strategy

IAB Meeting Focuses on ASME Strategy

Recently, the ASME Industry Advisory Board (IAB) held a virtual meeting entitled “ASME Strategy - Decarbonization (Hydrogen and Small Modular Nuclear Reactors).”
The meeting began with an ASME Strategy Update from Michael Johnson, chief strategy officer, and Christine Reilley, managing director for strategy and innovation. ASME is committed to its five strategic technologies: advanced manufacturing, bioengineering, pressure technology, robotics, and clean energy, and is focusing on four strategic priorities: digital transformation; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); revenue diversification, and development: engineer’s lifelong journey. ASME will continue to add depth to its existing activities while identifying new opportunities. ASME’s enduring legacy products have served communities well and we are considering where the Society can and should be taking a leadership position going forward.
Meeting participants then divided into breakouts to discuss two emerging opportunities: hydrogen and small modular nuclear reactors (SMR). For hydrogen, IAB members discussed what strategic role ASME should play in regulation, codes, and technology development of the hydrogen economy as well as overcoming its challenges. In the SMR breakout, IAB members encouraged ASME to help destigmatize the nuclear and SMR industry, including education about the entire SMR lifecycle.
For more information about the ASME IAB, please contact Melissa Carl (carlm@asme.org) or Susie Cabanas (cabanass@asme.org).

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