Your Invitation to the Honors Assembly

On Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:00 p.m., ASME will present its 2015 Honors Assembly held in conjunction with the Society's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) in Houston, Texas. This impressive and dramatic audiovisual experience will be one IMECE event you won't want to miss. 

I am pleased to announce the following recipients to be recognized for their accomplishments at this year's Assembly. The Ralph Coats Roe Medal to Freeman Hrabowski III; the Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal to James A. Thomas; the Kate Gleason Award to Suzanne Jenniches; the M. Eugene Merchant Medal to David Dornfeld; the George Westinghouse Gold Medal to Karen Thole; Honorary Membership to Romesh Batra, Webb Marner, Terry E. Shoup; and the ASME Medal to James R. Rice.

The Honors Assembly is a free Congress event and everyone is invited to attend. 

A reception for all the Honors Assembly attendees will be held at 5:00 p.m. preceding the Honors Assembly. During this time, you will have the opportunity to personally meet and congratulate the award recipients, network with colleagues, meet old friends and make new acquaintances.

For those wishing to join the honorees at the Honors Dinner, tickets can be purchased at the ASME Registration Desk.

On behalf of the ASME Committee on Honors, I hope you will join us for this special evening.


Judy M. Vance, Chair

ASME Committee on Honors

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