ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special Issues

ASME Journal Seeks Papers for Two Special Issues


The editorial board of ASME's Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering is currently accepting papers for two special issues of the journal. The deadlines to submit a paper for the special issues, which will focus on materials forming processes and sustainable manufacturing, fall within the next few weeks.

The first of the two publications, Special Issue on Innovations in Materials Forming Processes, will provide a venue for researchers to showcase their work in materials forming, which is a field with an ever-increasing need for new research on materials behavior, computational modeling techniques, new processes for forming both metallic and non-metallic materials, and theoretical advances in materials forming on the micro- and macro-length scales.

Topics to be covered in this special issue of the journal, which is expected to be published in September 2016, will include formability of metals, anisotropic yield functions and constitutive modeling; incremental forming processes for metals and polymers; new material testing methods and machines; warm and hot forming of sheets and tubes; innovative materials for forming and blanking tools; novel extrusion and drawing processes; new computational methods in forming; and multi-stage deep drawing and stamping, among others.

Papers for the Special Issue on Innovations in Materials Forming Processes are due Nov. 15. Click here to view the full list of topics and to learn how to submit a paper.

The board is also seeking submissions for a Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing, which is scheduled to be published in October 2016. The objective of this issue is to present recent research focusing on advances related to the planning, development, analysis, and improvement of manufacturing processes, as well as challenges in facility operations, production planning and scheduling, and supply-chain design.

This special issue of the journal will explore a range of topics including sustainable manufacturing metrics and indicators; manufacturing process and system-level modeling and simulation; environmentally responsible design for manufacturing; process and equipment development for environmental impact reduction; manufacturing scheduling and planning for energy and waste management; process and equipment development for environmental impact reduction sustainable energy systems; renewable energy manufacturing; and much more.

Submissions for the Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing are due Dec. 1. To view the entire of topics and to learn how to submit a paper, click here.

For more information about the Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, visit

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