Nanomanufacturing Workshop to Open Impact Forum in Buffalo

The Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum, to be held next month in Buffalo, N.Y., will kick off Aug. 17 with a special “Workshop on Scalable Nanomanufacturing: Benchmarks, Standards, and Metrics,” which will focus on the challenges that researchers and entrepreneurs face bringing nanomanufactured products to market.

The Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum will take place from Aug. 17-20 at the Buffalo-Niagara Convention Center. In addition to the Aug. 17 workshop, the Impact Forum will encompass a number of sessions, workshops, special tracks, a student competition and a career fair that are intended help attendees comprehend the possibilities that advanced manufacturing offers. The Forum, which will be hosted by the University of Buffalo, will be co-located with the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE).

The Workshop on Scalable Nonmanufacturing will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Aug. 17 with a keynote presentation by Ajay Malshe, PhD, an ASME Fellow, chief technical officer and co-founder of Nanomech, and professor in the department of engineering at the University of Arkansas. During his keynote, “Practicing Nanomanufacturing for Commercialization and Competitiveness,” Dr. Malshe will discuss his experiences over the last 13 years transforming discoveries from his published papers into innovative nanomanufactured products.

Malshe’s presentation will be followed by comprehensive panel discussions on three Focus Areas. The first Focus Area, “Paper to Products — Case Studies of Successes and Failures,” will be addressed by S.V Sreenivasan, co-founder of Molecular Imprints and professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and Vincent Caprio, executive director of the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association. The workshop’s second Focus Area discussion, “Standards,” will be led by Joycelyn Harrison, manager of the Low Density Materials Program at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The third Focus Area, “Metrics to Quantify Scalability and Sustainability,” will be addressed by panelists David Lashmore, co-founder of Materials Innovation Inc. and research professor at the University of New Hampshire; Tushar Shah, chief technology officer at the Lockheed Martin subsidiary Applied Nanostructured Solution; and Chih-hung Chang, director of the Oregon Process Innovation Center at Oregon State University.

The remainder of the workshop will concentrate on identifying and discussing the challenges and barriers to commercializing nanomanufactured products, and what ASME can do to help.

Registration for the Workshop on Scalable Nanomanufacturing: Benchmarks, Standards, and Metrics is included with full conference registration for the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum and the IDETC/CIE, but a one-day registration option is also available. For more information and to register, visit

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