New ASME Open Journal of Engineering Seeks Manuscript Submissions

New ASME Open Journal of Engineering Seeks Manuscript Submissions

ASME is proud to announce the launch of a new, online only, fully open access journal ASME Open Journal of Engineering that will publish in January 2022. The first articles will be available online toward the end of 2021.
ASME Open Journal of Engineering is envisaged as a rapid turnaround, multidisciplinary, and rigorously peer-review publication that expands the ASME Journal Program to offer original research across the wide spectrum of all ASME technical communities, providing compliance with funder mandates that require full open access.
ASME Open Journal of Engineering will offer high-impact, innovative articles that expand the scope of ASME’s traditional journals featuring cross-cutting, multidisciplinary research in new and emerging areas; original findings on theoretical or applied topics related to mechanical engineering and allied disciplines; and new or improved engineering methods and solutions.
The journal’s scope addresses the foundations and boundaries of advanced energy systems; aerospace; applied mechanics; bioengineering; computers and information in engineering; design engineering; dynamic systems and control; electronic and photonic packaging; energy resources and power generation; engineering education; environmental engineering; fluid power systems; fluids engineering; gas turbines; heat transfer; internal combustion engines; management; manufacturing; materials; materials handling; microelectromechanics; nanotechnology; noise control and acoustics; nondestructive evaluation; nuclear engineering; ocean, offshore, and arctic engineering; pipeline systems; plant engineering and maintenance; pressure vessels and piping; process industries; rail transportation; robotics and automation; safety and risk analysis; solar energy; solid waste processing; sustainable engineering; and tribology.
Authors who wish to have their manuscripts reviewed for inclusion in the new, open access journal should submit their papers starting October 1, 2021.  Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the ASME Author Guidelines and submitted through Journals Connect.
The editor-in-chief for the new journal is Michael G. Pecht, Ph.D., University of Maryland, U.S.; email:
For more information on the ASME Open Journal of Engineering, visit To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit

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