Nominations Now Being Accepted for the 2016 New Faces of Engineering Programs

Nominations Now Being Accepted for the 2016 New Faces of Engineering Programs

DiscoverE is currently accepting nominations for its two recognition programs, New Faces of Engineering Professional and New Faces College Edition. Early career members of ASME and student members who would like to nominate themselves or a colleague to represent the Society in either of the 2016 New Faces programs have until Nov. 20 to fill out and submit an online nomination form.

The New Faces of Engineering Professional program honors early career engineering leaders by highlighting their contributions to the profession and the resulting impact on society. To be considered to represent ASME in the 2016 New Faces Professional class, nominees must be members of ASME, aged 30 years or younger as of Dec. 31, 2015, with a degree in engineering from an ABET-accredited U.S. college or university or from an equivalent international institution.

The second New Faces program, New Faces College Edition, recognizes the accomplishments of undergraduate engineering students. Candidates must be third- fourth- or fifth-year students with a grade point average of 3.0 grade point average or higher. Nominees must also be enrolled in a Bachelor of Science engineering program from an ABET-accredited U.S. college or university or its equivalent.

The top New Faces Professional and College Edition applicants from each participating engineering organization will be selected by DiscoverE and announced on April 4, 2016. New Faces Professional winners will be featured in national and local U.S. media outlets, while College Edition winners will receive scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000.

To nominate an ASME member or student member for either of the New Faces programs, or for more information, visit To learn more about DiscoverE and its various programs, visit

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