Nominations Sought for the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal

Nominations Sought for the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2019 Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal, which recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in thermal management of electronic systems and a genuine commitment to the field of thermal science and engineering. The deadline to submit a nomination by email for the award is Feb. 1.

Nominees for the for Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal should have made significant contributions to the field of thermal management of electronic systems, as demonstrated by successful product development, seminal papers, filed patents and/or the leadership of research and development programs.

One area of research that members of the award’s selection committee are particularly interested in recognizing is on-package heterogeneous integration (HI), which offers computing and communications devices enhanced functionality, faster time to market and improved silicon yield resiliency. HI also highlights the importance of packaging and systems engineers in developing innovative solutions that drive the growth of the semiconductor industry.

The award, which is sponsored by the Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD), includes a $1,000 honorarium, a bronze medal, a certificate and a travel supplement of up to $750 to attend the award presentation at ASME’s International Technical Conference on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems Conference and Exhibition (InterPACK) in October.

Nominations should be emailed to Dr. Ravi Mahajan, chair of the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal Selection Committee, at by Feb. 1.

For more information on the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal, or view a list of past award winners, visit

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