NYU Student Chapter President Featured in the Latest ASME Today & Tomorrow Podcast
NYU Student Chapter President Featured in the Latest ASME Today & Tomorrow Podcast
The fourth episode of the Society’s new podcast series, ASME Today & Tomorrow, has just been posted online. In this latest installment, “A Bright Future in Engineering,” Brianna Migliaccio, the president of the ASME student chapter at New York University, joins ASME Executive Director Tom Costabile and Michael Cowan, director of Strategic Communications at ASME, to talk about what inspired her to pursue an engineering career and what drew her to become involved in ASME.
During the nearly eight-minute podcast, Migliaccio discusses some of the activities taking place at the NYU student chapter, which include inviting speakers from local industry to speak at chapter meetings, collaborating with other local universities on networking activities for engineering students, and competing in the IAM3D Challenge at an upcoming ASME E-Fest. The podcast also features discussion of what kinds of leadership skills engineering students will need to thrive in the profession, as well as the various ways professional organizations like ASME can encourage and inspire the next generation of engineers.
While you’re on the ASME Today & Tomorrow page, be sure to check out the first three episodes of the series, which include podcasts covering the ASME nominating process and ASME Code Week as well as an interview with ASME Executive Director Tom Costabile.