ASME Press and Wiley Publish Latest in Their Joint Book Series

ASME Press and Wiley Publish Latest in Their Joint Book Series

April 7, 2017

ASME Press and Wiley & Sons recently issued the latest book in their co-branded Wiley-ASME Press Series in Mechanical Engineering imprint. The new title, Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering & Medicine, is now available in both print and digital e-book editions.

The Wiley-ASME Press Series in Mechanical Engineering was launched two years ago following an agreement ASME signed with technical publisher John Wiley & Sons to collaborate in the development and distribution of mechanical engineering-related books. In addition to the new title, the series encompasses several additional books, including Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment Design, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations and Introduction to Dynamics and Control in Mechanical Engineering Systems.

Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering & Medicine, which was written by Abram S. Dorfman, is intended to acquaint readers with the various innovative fluid flow and heat transfer methods that have been developed and used during the past 50 years. The book focuses on mathematical models, which perform a vital role by validating the results obtained during fluid flow and heat transfer research activities.

The new 456-page book is divided in to three parts, each addressing an aspect of the current application of modern mathematical models. In the first section of the book, readers will be provided with a comprehensive look at the applications of contemporary conjugate heat transfer models in various industrial and technological processes, from aerospace and nuclear reactors to drying and food processing. The second part of the book examines the theory and application of two recently developed models in fluid flow: the similar conjugate model for simulation of biological systems, including flows in human organs, and applications of the latest developments in turbulence simulation by direct solution of Navier-Stokes equations, including flows around aircraft. The book’s third section covers the fundamentals of laminar and turbulent flows and applied mathematics methods. These discussions are supported by more than 360 examples selected from a list of 448 cited papers, 239 exercises and 136 commentaries.

The book, which is the perfect reference guide for graduate and post-graduate students and engineers, also covers peristaltic flows in normal and pathologic human organs; modeling flows around aircraft at high Reynolds numbers; special mathematical exercises that allow the reader to complete expressions derivation following directions from the text; procedure for preliminary choice between conjugate and common simple methods for particular problem solutions; and criterions of conjugation, definition of semi-conjugate solutions.

Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering & Medicine (Order No. 861MHT), is available to ASME members for $96 ? a savings of $24 off the list price.  Print copies of the new book can be purchased through at The title can also be purchased as an eBook through the ASME Digital Collection.

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