Second Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbine Event Set for March

Second Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbine Event Set for March

ASME will present its second Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines event from March 3-4 in Charlotte, N.C. The event is designed to provide a forum for engineers, designers, researchers, repair professionals and business leaders from the gas turbine community to interact and learn about the latest developments related to advanced manufacturing and repair for the gas turbine industry.

This year’s event will take place at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Conference Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, and will address the theme “Improving Gas Turbine Design and Repair through Advanced Manufacturing.”

The ASME Additive Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines premiered in Berlin, Germany, in March 2019. The more than 100 attendees thought the two-day event was an excellent networking and educational opportunity.
Hosted by ASME’s Gas Turbine Segment and the IGTI Division, the interactive event will feature presentations from recognized experts in the field from such leading companies as Ansaldo Energia, Chevron Power and Pipeline, Liburdi, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Oerlikon Metco, PSM Power Systems, Pratt and Whitney, and Siemens, as well as representatives from EPRI, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Southwest Research Institute, Penn State University, Polytechnique Montréal and Texas A&M University.

Alan Lyskawa, general manager of GE Advanced Manufacturing Works, will deliver the keynote address on March 4. During his presentation, titled “GE’s Advanced Manufacturing Works: Leveraging Advanced Manufacturing Technology to Create Customer Value,” Lyskawa will provide a history and overview of the Advanced Manufacturing Works (AMW), which was established to develop new manufacturing technologies for the company’s next generation of power generating equipment.

The program will also include a special industry panel discussion featuring Bill Brindley of Pratt & Whitney, Dave Lee of the U.S. Air Force, Kevin Sheehan of Siemens Energy, Bernard Winkelmann of Solar Turbines, Tim Fischer of Delta TechOps and Chris Robinson of ANSYS. During the session, which will take place March 3, the panelists will give their perspectives on the R&D opportunities and challenges associated with advanced manufacturing and repair for gas turbines. The speakers will then field questions from the audience during a Q&A session following their discussion.

The event also includes two seminars on March 3: “MRO Concepts for the Future: New Approaches of Business, Engineering, Repair and Logistics,” with Dr. Joerg Seume of Leibniz University Hannover and Dr. Friedhelm Kappei of MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH; and “Fabrication and Repair of Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Components Using Hybrid (Additive/Subtractive) Manufacturing Processes,” with speakers Thomas Feldhausen, Michael Kirka and Vince Paquit from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and moderator Thomas Kurfess, ASME Board of Governors member and chief manufacturing officer at ORNL.

Attendees who register by Feb. 11 will save $50 on the regular price of registration, which is $350 for ASME members and presenters, $475 for non-members, $125 for ASME student members and $175 for non-member students.

For more information on the Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines or to register, visit

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