ASME Seeks Manuscripts for New Risk Journal

ASME and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) are each producing one volume for a new two-part journal that will address risk and uncertainties in both the civil and mechanical engineering aspects of engineered systems. ASME is currently accepting submissions for its volume of the new journal through the ASME Journal Tool web site.

The new ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, which will share an editorial board, will be a medium for presenting state-of-the-art research and best practices for ensuring a full discussion on issues related to risk and uncertainty. The quarterly journal is intended to help researchers and engineers address risk, disaster and failure-related challenges due to many sources and types of uncertainty in planning, design, analysis, construction, manufacturing, operation, utilization, and life-cycle management of existing and new engineering systems.

Part A of the journal, to be published by ASCE, will focus on the civil engineering aspects of these topics. ASME's volume, Part B, will concentrate on mechanical engineering.

Topics to be covered in Part B of the new journal will include risk quantification based on hazard identification; scenario development and rate quantification; consequence assessment; valuations, perception and communication; risk-informed decision making; uncertainty analysis and modeling; and other related areas. ASME and ASCE Fellow Bilal M. Ayyub, Ph.D., professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Center for Technology and Systems Management at the University of Maryland, College Park, is the editor for Part B.

Papers for the inaugural issue, to be published in the fourth quarter of 2014, should be submitted by June 30. To submit a manuscript to the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, visit the ASME Journal Tool on

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