Special 100th Anniversary Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam Theory Issue

Special 100th Anniversary Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam Theory Issue

The ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics is currently accepting manuscripts for a special issue “Special 100th Anniversary Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam Theory Issue.” Authors who are interested in having their manuscripts included in the special issue, to be published in December 2022, should submit their manuscripts by March 15, 2022.
The intersection of elasticity and vibration has enabled accurate models of many engineered and natural systems. In a wide variety of applications, the geometry of the underlying system lends itself to a beam model that balances simplicity and accuracy. One hundred years ago, Timoshenko published the first paper on what is now known as the Timoshenko-Ehrenfest beam model. This special issue aims to commemorate this anniversary by inviting contributions from different areas in applied mathematics, physics, biology, and engineering that integrate beam theory into modern applications. Highly interdisciplinary contributions from vibration researchers are especially welcome, including papers on applications of beam models in micro/nano systems, mechatronics, smart materials, natural systems, and novel applications not often associated with beam theory. Extended versions of high-quality papers accepted to the homonymous symposium at the ASME 2022 IDETC are also welcome submissions to this special issue.

Manuscripts to be included in the special issue should concentrate on a range of potential topics, including, but not limited to vibration; acoustics; smart materials; mechatronics; micro/nano systems; and biophysical models. 
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal by March 15, 2022, via Journals Connect at journaltool.asme.org. Authors who have an account should log in and select “Submit Paper” at the bottom of the page. Authors without an account should select “Submissions” and follow the steps. At the Paper Submittal page, authors should select “ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics” and then select the special issue “Special 100th Anniversary Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam Theory Issue.” Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for inclusion in the special issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue.
The guest editors for the special issue are Firas Khasawneh, Michigan State University, USA, khasawn3@msu.edu; Bruce Geist, Oakland University, USA, brucegeist@oakland.edu; and Dan Segalman, Michigan State University, USA, segalman@egr.msu.edu.
For more information on the ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, visit https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/vibrationacoustics.  To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit www.asme.org/publications-submissions/journals/information-for-authors.

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