Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Complex Multiphysics Structural Dynamics
Special Journal Issue to Explore Uncertainty Management in Complex Multiphysics Structural Dynamics
Manuscripts are now being accepted for a special issue of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, that will focus on uncertainty management in complex multiphysics structural dynamics. The deadline for authors to submit a paper for the special issue, which is scheduled to be published before the end of the year, is April 30, 2019.
Non-deterministic modeling approaches, which enable the characterization, propagation and quantification of uncertainties in both operational experiments and numerical analyses, have helped advance computer-aided engineering’s accuracy and robustness in structural dynamics applications. However, challenges have developed in aerospace, automobile and other mechanical industries where large-scale and multiphysics systems — such as vibroacoustics, thermoelastics and fluid-solid coupled systems — are designed and employed with very large design spaces, disparate parameter sensitivities, multifarious sources of uncertainties and high calculation burden. Further development of current techniques for uncertainty management is clearly necessary in order to ensure the reliability of computational simulations in complex structural dynamics and multiphysics coupling mechanics.
This special issue of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, is intended to provide a setting for leading experts, researchers, academics and practicing engineers working in the interdisciplinary area of uncertainty analysis and non-deterministic modelling to present the latest developments in the field.
Topics to be covered in the special issue will include verification and validation (V&V) of numerical models for mechanical systems; uncertainty characterization, propagation and quantification techniques; modeling of coupling mechanisms between multiple media; nonsymmetrical experimental modal analysis of coupling systems; decoupling of vibroacoustics, thermoelasticity and fluid-solid coupling; stochastic finite element analysis of complex mechanical systems; stochastic model calibration and validation; Bayesian model calibration and advanced Monte Carlo simulation; sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters; robust model calibration; and interval and fuzzy model calibration techniques.
The guest editors of this special issue of the journal are Sifeng Bi, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), sifeng.bi@irz.uni-hannover.de; Michael Beer, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), University of Liverpool (UK), Tongji University (China), beer@irz.uni-hannover.de; Morvan Ouisse, FEMTO-ST Institute (France), morvan.ouisse@femto-st.fr; and Scott Cogan, FEMTO-ST Institute (France), scott.cogan@univ-fcomte.fr.
Authors should prepare their manuscripts following the ASME guidelines for journal publication at https://journaltool.asme.org/home/AuthorResources.cfm. When submitting your paper through the ASME Journals Connect site, please select special issue “SI032B,” and then assign the paper type as “Research Paper.” Please alert the guest editors prior to the formal submission of your manuscript. Early submission is strongly encouraged to promote early peer-review and publication of the special issue.
For more information on the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, visit http://risk.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/journal.aspx?journalid=170. To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit https://journaltool.asme.org.