Special Journal Issue on New Trends in Simulation of Physiological Flows

Special Journal Issue on New Trends in Simulation of Physiological Flows

The ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy is currently accepting manuscripts for a special issue focusing on the topic “New Trends in Simulation of Physiological Flows.” Authors who are interested in having their manuscripts included in the special issue, to be published in February 2022, should submit their manuscripts by November 1, 2021.
The special issue includes original research and review articles in the research area of fluid flow dynamics and is not limited to circulatory flows and blood, respiratory flows, voice, and cerebrospinal fluids in both the healthy and diseased.
The focus of the special issue will be on biofluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, and acoustic phenomena of relevance to confined, unsteady, transitional, or turbulent fluid flow scenarios in the human body. The articles will include data from experiments, computational fluid dynamics simulations, and/or models. The goal of the special issue is to provide the scientific community with the latest update on biofluid dynamics research in both the healthy and diseased with relevance to circulatory and respiratory systems.
Manuscripts to be included in the special issue are limited to these topic areas: blood flows; airway flows; biomechanics of obstructions; voice; obstructive airway disorders; tissue behavior; particle transport; modeling; and computational engineering. 
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal by November 1, 2021, via Journals Connect at journaltool.asme.org. Authors who have an account should log in and select “Submit Paper” at the bottom of the page. Authors without an account should select “Submissions” and follow the steps. At the Paper Submittal page, authors should select “ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy” and then select the special issue “New Trends in Simulation of Physiological Flows.” Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for inclusion in the special issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue.
The guest editors for the special issue are Mihai Mihaescu, professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, mihaescu@kth.se; and Laszlo Fuchs, professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, lf@mech.kth.se.
For more information on the ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, visit https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/medicaldiagnostics. To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit www.asme.org/publications-submissions/journals/information-for-authors.

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