Special Journal Issue on Symbiotic Human-AI Partnership for Next-Generation Factories

Special Journal Issue on Symbiotic Human-AI Partnership for Next-Generation Factories

The ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering is currently accepting manuscripts for a special issue focusing on the topic “Symbiotic Human-AI Partnership for Next Generation Factories.” Authors who are interested in having their manuscripts included in the special issue, to be published in June 2022, should submit their manuscripts by August 31, 2021.
As envisioned by Industry 4.0, the next generation of smart factories and warehouses will highly depend on the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence (AI). This symbiotic partnership can augment human capabilities by providing suggestions, assistance, and explanations as needed, or can utilize direct or indirect human feedback in a human-in-the-loop learning framework to enhance AI learning capabilities.
This special issue aims to harvest the latest efforts in fundamental methodologies as well as their applications in human-AI partnership with specific applications for next-generation factories encompassing the design process to manufacturing, production, and inspection.
Manuscripts to be included in the special issue should concentrate on a range of potential topics in the context of next-generation factories, including, but not limited to human-AI partnership for supply chain and sustainable manufacturing systems; computational tools for human perception, cognitive assessment, and intention estimation; AR/VR and novel interfaces for enhancing human-AI partnership; co-design of human-AI systems for manufacturing and automation; system architecture for human-in-the-loop learning systems; evaluation methods and assessment of human-AI partnership; ethical consideration and financial impact of human-AI partnership on future manufacturing; digital twin in manufacturing with human-AI cooperation; human-AI partnership in robotics; human-AI partnership for workforce training/education; and case studies and critical literature review.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal by August 31, 2021, via Journals Connect at journaltool.asme.org. Authors who have an account should log in and select “Submit Paper” at the bottom of the page. Authors without an account should select “Submissions” and follow the steps. At the Paper Submittal page, authors should select “ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering” and then select the special issue “Symbiotic Human-AI Partnership for Next Generation Factories.” Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for inclusion in the special issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue. Please also email the editor-in-chief, Professor Satyandra K. Gupta, at guptask@usc.edu, to alert him that your paper is intended for the special issue.
The guest editors for the special issue are Ehsan T. Esfahani, Ph.D., University at Buffalo, U.S., ehsanesf@buffalo.edu; Rahul Rai, Ph.D., Clemson University, U.S., rrai@clemson.edu; Ying Liu, Ph.D., Cardiff University, UK, liuy81@cardiff.ac.uk; Gaurav Ameta, Ph.D., Siemens, U.S., gaurav.ameta@siemens.com; Chih-Hsing Chu, Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, chchu@ie.nthu.edu.tw; and Bin He, Ph.D., Shanghai University, China, mehebin@shu.edu.cn.
For more information on the ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, visit https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/computingengineering.  To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit www.asme.org/publications-submissions/journals/information-for-authors.

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