Technical Committee Seeks Nominations for Two Awards
Technical Committee Seeks Nominations for Two Awards
The Technical Committee on Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics (TC-MSND) of the ASME Design Engineering Division is currently seeking nominations for the d'Alembert Award and the Lyapunov Award.
The two awards will be presented at the 11th ASME International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, which will be held as part of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences in Boston from Aug. 3 to 5, 2015.
Established in 2005, the d'Alembert Award recognizes lifelong contributions to the field of multibody system dynamics. Previous recipients include Profs. Thomas R. Kane, Werner Schiehlen, Edward Haug, Javier García de Jalón de la Fuente, and Ahmed Shabana.
The Lyapunov Award, which was launched in 2005, recognizes lifelong contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics. Previous recipients include Profs. Ali H. Nayfeh, Francis C. Moon, Philip Holmes, Earl H. Dowell, and J. Michael T. Thompson.
Nominations should include a nomination letter signed or co-signed by a TC-MSND member describing the field of the nominee and his or her impact; a curriculum vitae; and up to five letters of support.
The deadline to submit a nomination for both awards is Jan. 1, 2015. Nomination materials for the awards should be submitted to TC-MSND Awards Committee Chair, Dan Negrut, the Vilas Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, via PDF attachment and e-mailed to
For more information about the Technical Committee on Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics, including the current roster of members, visit the Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics Group Page on