Ten ASME IShow Finalists Selected

Jen Jewers Bowlin

Ten collegiate teams will be competing for top prizes this June at the 2013 ASME Innovation Showcase (ASME IShow). The IShow is an annual competition that spotlights the engineering designs, presentations and entrepreneurial skills of undergraduate and graduate students who represent tomorrow’s business leaders and innovators.

The seventh ASME IShow will be held on June 22, in conjunction with the ASME Annual Meeting at the JW Marriott Indianapolis, Ind. The event is supported by the ASME Foundation and Mechanical Engineering magazine, the flagship publication of ASME.

The winning teams must prove to a judging panel of successful innovators, industry experts and intellectual property specialists that they have a sustainable business model for an innovation that is truly feasible and unique within the context and environment in which it is applied.

Inspiring students to be product innovators and entrepreneurs, the ASME IShow gives top collegiate teams an opportunity to compete for access to more than $20,000 in seed funds to further develop their products along with valuable industry recognition.

The following universities and inventions will compete at the 2013 IShow:

  • Bournemouth University, “Epidural Needle Insertion Simulator”
  • Brigham Young University, “Shot Coach”
  • Harvard University, “Theratech”
  • Johns Hopkins University, “AccuRIGHT”
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Coriolis Centrifuge”
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “HeatWare”
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “OneBin”
  • Tufts University, “Uji”
  • University of Michigan, “Turtle Cell”
  • Washington University at St. Louis, “Low-Cost Spirometer”

For more information on the 2013 ASME IShow, visit the website at www.asme.org/events/competitions/asme-ishow.

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