Two ASME Award Winners Support Student Programs

John Wall

Two ASME award winners — John C. Wall, Sc.D., and Richard H. Lyon, Ph.D. — are doing their part to ensure the future of engineering by donating the honoraria they received with their recent prizes to support programs for ASME student members.

Dr. Wall, the recipient of the 2013 Soichiro Honda Medal, has donated the $7,500 portion of his award to the ASME General Scholarship Fund to support future scholarships for ASME student members. The General Scholarship Fund, which is administered by the ASME Foundation, finances approximately $300,000 in scholarships each year.

Wall, vice president and chief technical officer of Cummins Inc. in Columbus, Ind., received the Soichiro Honda Medal for outstanding leadership in the research, design, development and production of low-emission, fuel-efficient diesel engines, reflected extensively in commercial products; and for serving as a resource for environmental policy development within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board. The award was presented at the President's Luncheon last November at the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress an Exposition in San Diego, Calif.

Richard Lyon

Dr. Lyon, the winner of the 2013 Per Bruel Gold Medal for Noise Control and Acoustics, donated the $1,000 portion of his award to the Arthur L. Williston Award fund. The Williston Award is presented for the best paper submitted in an annual competition on a subject chosen to challenge the engineering abilities of engineering students.

Established in 1954 by ASME member Arthur Williston, the award is open to ASME student members or members who have received a baccalaureate degree no more than two years before the paper submission deadline. Read more about this award.

Lyon, president of the R.H. Lyon Corp. in Belmont, Mass, was selected as the recipient of the Per Bruel Gold Medal pioneering his contributions in the development of statistical energy analysis for analyzing vibrations in complex structural and acoustical systems, which continue to have a profound impact in the field of acoustics and noise control; and for contributions in the areas of sound quality assessment and machinery noise diagnostics. Lyon was honored with the award at the Boston Section Committee Meeting in June 2013.

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