Two Journal Authors Honored by Applied Mechanics Reviews
Tevis D.B. Jacobs

Two contributors to ASME’s Applied Mechanics Reviews journal were recently selected as the recipients of the Lloyd Hamilton Donnell Applied Mechanics Reviews Paper Award for 2018.

The award winners, Tevis D.B. Jacobs and Ashlie Martini, are the authors of “Measuring and Understanding Contact Area at the Nanoscale: A Review,” which appeared in ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews in November 2017 (Vol. 69, Issue 6). The paper, which was one of 32 papers published in the journal since July 2016 being considered for the award, was selected by a committee consisting of the AMR Editorial Board and Bala Balachandran, vice chair of the ASME Applied Mechanics Division.

Ashlie Martini

Dr. Jacobs is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at the University of Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dr. Martini, who is an ASME member, is a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Merced, Calif. (USA). The award, which included a plaque and an honorarium, was conferred at the Applied Mechanics Division dinner on Nov. 13, during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) in Pittsburgh, Pa.

For more information about the Lloyd Hamilton Donnell Applied Mechanics Reviews Paper Award, to read the review article “Measuring and Understanding Contact Area at the Nanoscale: A Review,” or to see the list of previous winners, visit The Lloyd H. Donnell Applied Mechanics Reviews Paper Award. To learn more about the ASME Journal Program, visit Information for Authors.

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