Two New Volumes in ASME's Robotics Book Series Now Available

Two new additions to the ASME Press Robotics Book Series — Designs and Prototypes of Mobile Robots and Mobile Robots for Dynamic Environments — were released by the Society’s technical imprint this month.

The two volumes, which were edited by Marco Ceccarelli and Emin Faruk Kececi, can be used as graduate-level course books or as guide books for the practicing engineer who is working on a specific problem described in one of the chapters. Vladimir Vantsevich is the series editor for the ASME Press Robotics Engineering Book Series.

The 202-page Designs and Prototypes of Mobile Robots is comprised of six chapters addressing such subjects as linkages for leg mechanisms; exoskeletons and bipeds; mechanical design challenges in rescue robot prototyping; networked control for mobile robots; human-machine interface of mobile robot for posture; and robot education with mobile robots.

The 180-page companion volume, Mobile Robots for Dynamic Environments, features five chapters: “Underwater Robots — A Fascinating Challenge,” “A Novel Lighter-Than-Air Vehicle — The Flying Octopus,” “Robot Swarms: Dynamics and Control,” “Visual Attitude Estimation and Stabilization of Flying Robots” and “Mobile Robots for Earth Exploration — Applications, Technologies and Image-Processing Techniques for Navigation.”

Each volume is available to ASME members for $95 — a savings of $24 apiece on the retail price. Visit to reserve your copy of Designs and Prototypes of Mobile Robots (Order No. 860472), or to order a copy of Mobile Robots for Dynamic Environments (Order No. 860526).

For the full list of titles available from ASME Press, visit

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