View the ASME Energy Forum on Hydrokinetics Now

If you missed the first ASME Energy Forum webinar, "Tapping the Power of Flowing Water," when it took place earlier this month, no need to worry. A recording of that webinar on the topic of hydrokinetics is now available online, free of charge. To take a deep dive into demo projects underway in New York Harbor and the Gulf Stream, register today to access the webinar and presentations, at the forum website.

The ASME Energy Forum, is a new yearlong multi-media series that explores the technical aspects and workings of a broad range of emerging energy sources and related technologies. The series – which will encompass feature articles, webinars, on-demand webcasts, podcasts, surveys, congressional briefings, and online discussion groups and communities – will provide you with expert perspectives on how these energy sources and technologies work, the technical issues and challenges, and the economic implications for businesses.

The March installment of the ASME Energy Forum will focus on the subject of concentrated solar power, and feature two articles by Mark Crawford: “Greater Efficiencies Bring Solar to Prominence“ on  and “Catching the Sun” in Mechanical Engineering magazine. In his article, Crawford takes a look at today’s CSP systems that use mirrors and sophisticated tracking systems to reflect and concentrate sunlight, which is converted to heat to generate electricity. The article also reviews the four primary technologies in this field.  In “Catching the Sun,” Crawford surveys the field to explain where the breakthroughs are coming from and where more work needs to be done. The ASME Energy Forum will also include a webinar on the topic of CSP, to take place on March 28.

For more information on the ASME Energy Forum, visit the forum website.

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