The ASME Fellow: A Membership Grade of Distinction
The ASME Committee of Past Presidents confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognize their outstanding engineering achievements.
Nominated by ASME Members and Fellows, an ASME Member has to have 10 or more years of active practice and at least 10 years of active corporate membership
(consist of Honorary Members, Fellows and Members) in ASME.
An ASME Fellow shall receive a certificate, a fellow badge and a fellow lapel pin.
Over 3,000 members have attained the grade of Fellow.

Nominating a Fellow
- Members of the Fellows Review Committee shall not initiate or sponsor a Fellow while serving on the Fellows Review Committee.
- Nominations will be considered quarterly. Deadline dates: March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
- 3 sponsor letters plus the nominator's letter is required to complete the nomination. (A total of 4 letters will be accepted).
- 2 of the sponsors, plus the nominator, must be ASME Members or Fellows.
- Corporate membership needs to be active. Corporate Members shall consists of Honorary Members, Fellows and Members.
- No more than one letter should come from the nominee’s organization.
- No more than 10 significant publications will be acceptable.
- Incomplete proposals will be held pending for consideration at the subsequent review session.
- Clearly specify on the proposal form whether it is a surprise or not a surprise nomination. If not clearly specified, proposal will be considered not a surprise.
- Read qualifications page summary of qualifications should not be included in the letters. It should be a separate document.
- You may nominate an ASME member that meets the requirements listed above by going to the ASME Online Fellows Nomination Application. Please review this material carefully. If you have any questions, please call Wil Haywood at (212) 591-8301 or email fellows@asme.org.