Use of ASME Copyrighted Information

All ASME standards are copyrighted by ASME. Permission to photocopy or republish excerpts from ASMEstandards may be obtained by submitting a written request to:


ASME International
Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5990

Permission requests must contain the following information:

For requests to photocopy material:

  • Title of the standard
  • Edition year
  • Exact material, INCLUDING PAGE NUMBERS, for which permission is requested
  • Number of copies
  • Purpose of reproduction (if for classroom use, include the school, professor, course, and semester)
  • To whom material will be distributed

For requests to republish material in another work:

  • Title of the standard
  • Edition year
  • Exact material, INCLUDING PAGE NUMBERS, for which permission is requested
  • Author and title of the work in which the material will appear
  • Format/media of the new work
  • Print run of the new work
  • Languages in which the new work will be distributed

For electronic permissions (Secure intranets)


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