Call for Participants
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The following ASME standards development committees are actively soliciting volunteers:
B30.13 Storage/Retrieval Machines and Associated Equipment
The B30.13 committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of the B30.13 standard. The purpose of the ASME B30.13 committee is to develop standard methods that applies to storage/retrieval (S/R) machines and associated equipment, such as aisle-transfer cars and aisle equipment and interfaces with other material-handling equipment covered under other standards. The provisions of this Volume applying to S/R machines shall apply equally to the construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation of aisle-transfer cars and any load-handling equipment that is part of or attached to S/R machines or aisle-transfer cars. Please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8306
B30.25 Scrap and Material Handlers
The B30.25 committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of the B30.25 standard. The purpose of the B30.25 Committee is to develop standard methods that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of scrap and material handlers consisting of a base, a revolving upper structure with operator’s station(s), and a front for lifting scrap or materials using attachments such as magnets and grapples, and any variations thereof in which the equipment retains the same fundamental characteristics. The provisions included in this Volume apply to scrap and material handlers that are crawler mounted, rail mounted, wheel mounted, or on pedestal bases. The scope includes hydraulically operated scrap and material handlers powered by internal combustion engines or electric motors to lift, lower, and swing scrap and material at various radii. Please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8306
Slewing Ring Bearings (SRB) Standards Committee
The SRB committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of the SRB standard. The purpose of the Slewing Ring Bearings Standards Committee is to develop standard methods to evaluate variables and establish practices for satisfactory performance in ball slewing ring bearings (SRBs) in oscillating or indexing applications. This will allow effective communication and exchange of data among the user, installer, and SRB manufacturer such that all parties understand each other’s requirements and have a common point of reference. The current SRB standard applies to the design, application, installation, inspection requirements, and maintenance of slewing ring bearings (SRBs) using balls that do not require dynamic capacity-life ratings. These also may be called slewing rings. This is inclusive of four-point contact single-row and double-row ball bearings. Such bearings are used in, but not limited to, equipment such as hydraulic shovels, excavators, aerial platforms (manlifts), cranes, wind-power generators, building maintenance units (BMUs), and other equipment where one part of the structure must rotate with respect to another in an oscillating or indexing manner. Please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8306
The PTC Subcommittee on Reference Method Accuracy and Precision (ReMAP)
The PTC Subcommittee on Reference Method Accuracy and Precision (ReMAP) is looking for volunteers from the waste combustion industry, air pollution agencies, or industrial and municipal waste facilities with knowledge in determining the precision of pollutant emission measurements based on analysis and determining the stack concentration of selected air pollutants. The ReMAP Subcommittee is responsible for developing a code that defines the precision of measurements of manual testing methods used to measure emission compliance with USEPA and ASME methods. As a member of the ReMAP Subcommittee, you will be providing your technical expertise to develop new standards for addressing the precision of selected measurement methods and issues associated with measurement accuracy as well as maintain and revise such documents to accommodate new technology. If you are interested in becoming a participant, please contact:
Fredric Constantino
Tel: 212-591-8684
ASME BPVC Section II Materials
The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section II Standards Committee on Materials is seeking people who are interested in volunteering for and participating on its subtier Committees. The ASME BPVC II Committee is responsible for the review and adoption of material specifications, and for the materials data required for design of pressure equipment. A committee member would be responsible for the project management of such Committee activities, with guidance from an experienced mentor. While all volunteers are welcome, there is currently a specific/acute need for people with an interest in contributing to aluminum specification and ferrous specification activities.
Colleen (O’Brien) Rodrigues
Tel: 212-591-7881
BPVC Section II Subgroup on International Material Specifications
The Subgroup on International Material Specifications (SG-IMS) under the BPV Committee on Materials (BPV II) is seeking volunteers to attend IMS meetings and become members. The SG-IMS is primarily responsible for reviewing and evaluating new international material specifications, advising on their suitability for Code use, preparing cover sheets for new international material specifications and specifying additional requirements or changes when adopting them as ASME material specifications, adopting later editions and specifying all acceptable editions of already listed international material specifications, etc. SG-IMS members are expected to actively participate in the SG-IMS meetings and discussions, as well as contribute to working on Code items.
Colleen (O’Brien) Rodrigues
Tel: 212-591-7881
ASME BPVC Section IV, Europe International Working Group (IWG)
ASME BPVC Section IV, Europe International Working Group (IWG) The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section IV Standards Committee on Heating Boilers is seeking participants who are interested in volunteering for and contributing on their recently formed Europe International Working Group (IWG). The committee is seeking any interested participants outside the United States of America. Participants do not have to reside in Europe to contribute to this committee. If enough interest is gained from interested parties outside the Unites States of America, this committee may be reformatted to to a more appropriate committee. The Europe IWG serves as a subordinate committee operating within the Charter of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Heating Boilers (BPV IV) and scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IV, Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers. The Europe IWG provides for the participation in BPVC Section IV development by technical expert members based primarily in Europe. A committee member would be responsible for the project management of such Committee activities, with guidance from experienced committee members and staff.
Carlton R. M. Ramcharran
Phone: 212-591-7955
ASME B89.3.7/3.8 Subcommittee on Surface Plates – Granite and Cast Iron
The B893.7/3.8 Subcommittee on Surface Plates – Granite and Cast Iron is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of B89.3.7/3.8 Granite Surface Plates Standard. This standard covers igneous rock (granite) plates for use in high accuracy locating, layout, and inspection work. If you are interested in becoming a participant please contact:
Fred Constantino
Tel: 212-591-8684
HST Hoists - Overhead Standards Committee
The HST Standards Committee is looking for engineers/technicians whom are looking to volunteer and participate on the Committee. The HST Overhead Hoists Standards Committee is responsible for the performance standards for overhead hoists; in particular, air and electric wire rope and chain hoists, and hand chain and manually lever operated chain hoists. The standards will include, where applicable, terminology, hoist and trolley service classifications, and mechanical and electrical data. A committee member would be responsible for the maintenance and revisions of the six HST Standards to incorporate industry best practices and changes that address industry safety concerns. If you are interested in becoming a participant, please contact:
Elijah Dominguez
Tel: 212-591-8524
B30.1 Jacks, Industrial Rollers, Air Casters, and Hydraulic Gantries
The B30.1 committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of the B30.1 standard. The purpose of the B30.1 Committee is to develop standard methods that apply to the construction, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of mechanical ratchet jacks, hand- or power-operated mechanical screw jacks, hand- or power-operated hydraulic jacks, air-lifting bags, industrial rollers, air casters, telescopic hydraulic gantry systems, and strand jacks. Please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8306
ASME B30.18 Subcommittee on Stacker Cranes
(Top or Under Running Bridge, Multiple Girder With Top or Under Running Trolley Hoist) is looking for Volunteers to participate on the Committee. Volunteers would be responsible for updating and maintaining this volume of the B30 standards to incorporate industry best practices and changes that address industry safety concerns. If you are interested in becoming a participant please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8396
B5 Machine Tools - Components, Elements, Performance, and Equipment Standards Committee
The B5 Standards Committee is looking for new members who are experienced with machine tools, cutting tools, or with the elements of machine tool construction and operation. Volunteers would be responsible for updating and maintaining the standards within this field, as well as proposing and developing new documents to fit industry needs. If you are interested in becoming a participant, please contact:
Lawrence Chan
Tel: 212-591-7052
B30.4 Portal and Pedestal Cranes
The B30.4 committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable and interested in the revision of the B30.4 standard. The purpose of the B30.4 Committee is to develop standard methods that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of electric motor or internal-combustion engine-powered portal and pedestal cranes that adjust operating radius by means of a boom luffing mechanism, that may be mounted on a fixed or traveling base, and to any variation thereof that retains the same fundamental characteristics. Please contact:
Kathleen Peterson
Tel: 212-591-8306
B40 Committee on Standards for Pressure and Temperature Instruments and Accessories
The B40 Committee is looking for engineers/technicians who are knowledgeable concerning bimetallic actuated, filled system and liquid-in-glass thermometers and elastic temperature sensors. If you are interested in becoming a participant please contact:
Angel L. Guzman
Tel: (212) 591-8018
Structures for Bulk Solids Standards Committee
The SBS Standards Committee is in the process of completing development of a new ASME standard to address the design and construction of storage containers for bulk solids. The committee is looking for experienced professionals with knowledge of the bulk solids industry, who can commit time and resources to volunteer in ASME standards development. The committee meets, on average, twice a year and has teleconferences between meetings. As a member of this committee you will be drafting, submitting and reviewing proposals for inclusion in this new standard. If you are interested please contact:
Paul D. Stumpf
Tel: 1(212)591-8536
RAP Subcommittee on Power Plant O&M Activities
The Reliability, Availability and Performance (RAP) Subcommittee on Power Plant O&M Activities is looking for engineers who are interested in the development of a new standard on Power Plant Cycle Alignment. It is intended that this document will contain outlines, descriptions, and explanation of the methods that can be used to conduct, maintain, and/or restore power steam cycle alignment, also known as cycle isolation, to ultimately improve the thermal performance or efficiency of the power plant. The Subcommittee provides standards for improving and maintaining power plant performance, describing methods to troubleshoot, determine, and optimize performance. This new Standard is intended to be another in the series of already published Standards - POM 101-2013 Standard Performance-Related Outage Inspections and POM 102-2014 Standard Operating Walkdowns of Power Plants. If you are interested please contact:
Donnie Alonzo
Tel:(212) 591-8024
TES-2 Safety Committee for Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Systems
The TES-2 Safety Committee for Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Systems is looking for experienced professionals with industry knowledge in phase change thermal energy storage systems to participate on the committee. The TES-2 Committee is responsible for developing safety standards for thermal energy storage systems using phase change materials that include requirements for the design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, commissioning, maintenance, operation, and decommissioning of the system. As a member of the TES-2 Committee, you will be providing your technical expertise to develop a new standard for phase change thermal energy storage systems, and then maintain and revised such documents to accommodate new technology. If you are interested in becoming a participant, please contact:
Nicole Gomez
Tel: 212-591-8720
MAM Subcommittee on Robotic Arms (Manipulators)
The MAM Subcommittee on Robotic Arms (Manipulators) is looking for volunteers to join this new established subcommittee and contribute to the development and maintenance of Standards for terminology, performance requirements, and related topics for robotic arms (manipulators). If you are interested in becoming a participant please contact:
Angel L. Guzman Rodriguez
Tel: (212) 591-8018
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