About the VOLT Academy

The Volunteer Orientation and Leadership Training (VOLT) Academy is devoted to the development of ASME’s volunteer leadership. VOLT’s programmatic offerings extend to volunteers serving throughout the Society at all levels.

VOLT’s Vision is that ASME will be highly valued for its culture of developing leaders to achieve the mission of the Society.

VOLT’s Mission is to develop forward-thinking leaders who are effective in technology management, critical thinking, communication, and business acumen to achieve the mission of the Society.

The VOLT Academy is led by an Executive Committee operating under ASME’s Board of Governors. The committee members are:

Mary Lynn Realff, Chair
Emily Boyd, Vice-Chair, Programs
Alexander Marrero-Laureano, Vice Chair, ECLIPSE
Brandon Graham, Vice-Chair, Operations
Callie Tourigny, Immeidate Past Chair
Rick Marboe, Member-at-Large
Simon Pun, Member-at-Large
Samantha Sanders, Member-at-Large
Khosro Shirvani, Member-at-Large
Nishant Trivedi, Member-at-Large
Steven Unikewicz, Member-at-Large
Michael Zhou, Member-at-Large
Merya Zogheib, Member-at-Large

Staff Contact:
Clare Bruff, Director, Volunteer Engagement and Diversity

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