A New ASME Award to Recognize Early Career Engineers Demonstrating Achievement in Turbomachinery

A New ASME Award to Recognize Early Career Engineers Demonstrating Achievement in Turbomachinery

September 1 is the Deadline for Nominations

NEW YORK, July 20, 2012 – The ASME International Gas Turbine Institute (ASME-IGTI) has announced a new award that will recognize early career engineers for technical achievement in the field of turbo-machinery. Nominations for the ASME-IGTI Early Career Award are due on September 1, 2012.

Engineers with a relevant degree and in the beginning stages of professional careers are eligible for the award, which includes a $2000 honorarium. A criterion of seven years from terminal degreewill be used to define eligibility, and the nominee must be an active member of ASME.

“The ASME-IGTI Early Career Award has the dual aim of recognizing excellence in the field, while inspiring others to make high-quality contributions and growing into future engineering leaders,” said Marc Goldsmith, the president of ASME.

The award will be presented at ASME Turbo Expo in June 2013. For more information, or to nominate an individual, visit IGTI Honors.

IGTI, headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., supports the exchange of information focused on improving the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance, and environmental impact of gas turbines, turbo-machinery, and related equipment. IGTI also offers a variety of student scholarships in the field of gas turbines.

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