Robert T. Simmons Begins Term as 129th President of ASME

Robert T. Simmons Begins Term as 129th President of ASME

NEW YORK, June 9, 2010- ASME has announced that Robert T. Simmons, P.E, was inducted as president of ASME during the proceedings of the Society’s 2010 Annual Meeting, June 4-9, at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Simmons, an engineer with over 40 years of experience in engineering management, is currently a systems engineering support manager at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). An ASME member for the past 30 years, Simmons has held several leadership positions in the Society, including a three-year term on its Board of Governors.(BOG) and was named president-elect in 2009. In 2001, Simmons was awarded the ASME Dedicated Service Award and was the first recipient of the ASME Engineering and Technology Leadership Award, which has been named the Robert T. Simmons Leadership Award in his honor.

As outlined in his recent proposal to the BOG as the chair of Governance and Strategy Task force, Simmons aims at advancing the Society’s progress and strategic initiviatives in the areas of energy, engineering workforce development and global impact. A strong supporter of education and diversity in the work place, Simmons plans to make ASME services and offerings more appealing and valuable to women, minorities and young engineering professionals. By expanding the reach of the organization’s codes and standards and increasing international membership, Simmons will aim to make ASME a more global society. In addition, Simmon will focus on increasing participation and engagement of current members throughout the Society.

Throughout his career, Simmons has been involved with major research and development programs, particularly in the areas of nuclear energy and fusion, and has served on numerous review teams for the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. Simmons spent nine years of his career serving on nuclear submarines for the U.S. Navy and 16 years in the U.S. Naval Reserve. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1966 with a B.S. in nuclear science and mechanical engineering. During the years he dedicated to the Navy, Simmons commanded two naval reserve units and retired in 1991 with the rank of captain. Simmons holds an MBA degree from the Ohio State University.

About ASME ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world.

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Media contact: Regina Nisita or 212.398.9680 ext 145

ASME Contact: John Varrasi or 212.591.8158

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