Solutions to Energy and Water Scarcity to Be the Focus of the 2011 ASME Congress
Solutions to Energy and Water Scarcity to Be the Focus of the 2011 ASME Congress
NEW YORK, March 29, 2011 – The 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, including 24 discussion tracks on topics ranging from energy to biotechnology, will be held Nov. 11-17, at the Hyatt Regency Denver & Colorado Convention Center in Denver.
The annual ASME Congress is a premier global conference that focuses on today’s technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering.
Featuring the theme “Energy and Water Scarcity,” this year’s conference will include presentations and a keynote program highlighting efforts of the global engineering community to bring practical and much-needed solutions to the challenges of energy and environmental sustainability.
In addition to sustainable development, the Congress will feature technical tracks on topics including aerospace technology, manufacturing, dynamic systems, safety engineering, and transportation. Multidisciplinary in format, the conference also will explore the integration of microsystems, nanoengineering for energy, medicine and biology; fluid and thermal systems, mechatronics and intelligent machines, and a number of other subjects that are at the forefront of engineering innovation.
The 2011 Congress will also showcase the annual ASME Student Design Competition finals. This year, mechanical engineering students will design a scaled, proof of concept prototype for rain energy conversion. Major funding for the competition is provided by Boeing.
ASME will pay tribute to the accomplishments, distinguished service and professional achievements of some of today’s most accomplished engineers during “A Celebration of Engineering” at the 2011 ASME Honors Assembly, held during the Congress proceedings.
The National Science Foundation will have a strong presence at the Congress, sponsoring sessions on the NSF Innovation Ecosystem Initiative and on future directions in government-sponsored research.
About ASME
ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world.
ASME Contact:John Varrasi