Materials Division

The goal of the Materials Division (MD) is to encourage and foster research and development, and the publication of significant technical information within the scope of the Division.


The goal of the Materials Division is to encourage and foster research and development, and the publication of significant technical information within the scope of the Division. This includes:

  • Encouraging the preparation of and aiding in the publication of papers on materials engineering developments
  • Organizing conferences, symposia, and committees in which all members of the Society may meet to exchange experiences and technical data
  • Cooperating with others within and without the Society with respect to standardization, research, preparation of papers, publications, meetings, special services, and consolidation of efforts
  • To honor outstanding mechanical engineers in the field of materials engineering
  • To provide a forum for continuing education in the area of materials engineering

AMD-MD Joint Committee on Constitutive Equations

Chair: Dr. Paul Allison

Vice Chair: Dr. J. Brian Jordon

Secretary: Dr. Brian Lester

The Technical Joint Committee (TJC) on Constitutive Equations of the Applied Mechanics Division (AMD), and Materials Division (MD) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) exists to promote, support and advance the state of the art and science of Applied Mechanics and Materials in the area of modeling the physical behavior of materials and structures subject to external stimuli (e.g. mechanical, thermal, and/or electrical loading).  Recognizing the broad and integrated nature of this mandate, the committee’s interests include the development of theoretical and mathematical models, addressing ensuring numerical implementations and issues, experimental characterization of relevant phenomena and calibration techniques, and the utilization of these tools in simulation (both in terms of design and analysis).  Reflecting the range of materials used by ASME members, the scope of these efforts is intended to encompass a wide spectrum of material systems and deformation mechanisms.  The committee fulfills this purpose by:

  • Encouraging the presentation and publication of substantive papers in the area of modeling the physical behavior and response of materials and structures principally by sponsoring symposia at ASME meetings involving AMD and MD participation and publishing the associated technical content in bound symposia volumes and in the Journal of Applied Mechanics.  Joint sponsorship of symposia with other AMD and MD technical committees and ASME divisions is also encouraged.
  • Highlighting special needs and advances by promoting presentations, publications and panel sessions on selected topics in modeling the physical behavior and response of materials and structures.
  • Serving as a focal point in AMD, MD, and ASME for constitutive modeling of material behavior and being a spokesman for the subject in the engineering community at large.
  • Developing liaisons with other divisions of ASME, with corresponding committees of other engineering and scientific societies in the nation, and also in other countries.
  • Maintaining recognition in ASME of the contributions to Applied Mechanics and Materials of engineers and scientists working in the subject area; this is principally accomplished through the recommendation of special and general lectures at ASME meetings and through the nomination of selected individuals for ASME awards, including elevation to the rank of Fellow of the Society.

Design of Engineering Materials


The Design of Engineering Materials (DEM) Technical Committee (TC) is intended to further the development of a sustainable interdisciplinary community dedicated to understanding materials design problems. This TC is to serve as a platform for facilitating collaborations, promoting innovative symposia, and organizing relevant workshops, publications, and reports. It is our hope to attract professionals across academia, industry and government to help establish this technical committee as a transformative force for years to come.   


Dr. Natasha Vermaak, DEM TC Founding Chair:
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
Lehigh University

Dr. Andrew T. Gaynor, DEM TC Vice-Chair:
Design Optimization Team Lead
Weapons and Materials Research Directorate
U.S. Army Research Laboratory

Meetings and News:

  • At ASME-IMECE 2019, the DEM TC meeting was held Monday Nov. 11th, 2019. The 11/11/19 meeting minutes are available upon request to the Vice-Chair. In 2019, the DEM TC organized and co-sponsored several topics:
    • Topic 10-20: Perspectives from Division Directors, Program Managers, and Center Leadership on Materials by Design Challenges. Representatives from ONR, NIST, NSF, AFOSR, DARPA, ARO, and several Materials by Design related Centers at LLNL, JHU and UCI to present. Topic culminates with a speaker panel discussion. See flyer below for more information.
    • Topic 10-19: Design of Engineered Materials and Components for Additive Manufacturing. 
    • Topic 10-2: Multiscale Modeling for Materials Design
    • Topic 2-2: Conference-Wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing 
  • ASME-IMECE 2018, the inaugural meeting of this TC was held Monday Nov. 12th, 2018. The 11/12/18 meeting minutes and by-laws are available upon request to the Vice-Chair.


The Materials Division contributes to the ASME IMECE Conference every year and is working to create new opportunities for its stakeholders. If you have suggestions, please let us know by emailing:


Honors & Awards

Recognition of outstanding achievement in engineering is one of the major objectives of ASME. Through its programs of honors and awards, ASME recognizes outstanding contributions to the art and science of engineering.

Society Awards

  • Nadai Medal
    The Nadai Medal is awarded in recognition of significant contributions and outstanding achievements which broaden the field of materials engineering. Nomination Deadline Date: February 1st
  • Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award
    The Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award recognizes early career research excellence in the areas of experimental, computational, and theoretical mechanics and materials by young investigators who are within 10 years after their Ph.D. degree, with special emphasis placed on under-represented groups. Nomination Deadline Date: February 1st

Division Awards


2024-2025  Executive Committee
Past Chair, Caglar Oskay

Hanqing Jiang, Chair
Curt Bronkhorst, Vice Chair 
Huck Beng Chew, Track Chair
Erdogan Madenci, Track Co-chair
Nanshu Lu, Secretary
Jianliang Xiao, Member at-large


Links to helpful online resources related to the division are below. If you have suggestions for other resources, please contact the division chair or ASME staff.

  • ASME Landmarks Program Landmarks, sites and collections of historic importance to mechanical engineering are designated by ASME through its History and Heritage Landmarks Program.
  • Engineering History ASME fosters the preservation of mechanical engineering innovations used in a wide range of applications through its History and Heritage program.

U.S. Based Organizations

U.S. Government Agencies and Departments


2024 Materials Division Newsletter

2023 Materials Division Newsletter - IMECE Happenings

2022 Materials Division Centennial Celebration Invitation

2022 Materials Division Centennial Celebration Book

2022 Materials Division Newsletter

Materials Division 2021 Award Ceremony

The Materials Division was honored to present awards and recognition at the 2021 IMECE Virtual Event. Please take a look at the presentation and help in us congratulating our awardees!

Technical Committees

The ASME Materials Divisions supports multiple technical committees:

  • AMD/MD Joint Committee on Constitutive Equations

  • Composites and Heterogeneous Materials

  • Design of Engineering Materials 

  • Electronic Materials

  • Materials Processing

  • Multifunctional Materials

  • Materials for Biomimetic and Medical Applications

  • Advanced Materials for Energy

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