18 New Members Appointed to Interagency Advisory Panel to Help Guide Federal Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Agenda

18 New Members Appointed to Interagency Advisory Panel to Help Guide Federal Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Agenda

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced the appointment of 18 new members to an interagency committee advisory panel on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. The panel is a cross-agency initiative with involvement from agencies such as NSF, the Department of Education, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It was established in October 2017 under the American Innovation and Competitive Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Members serve on the panel for a three year term.

The panel, which was authorized by Congress, is comprised of 18 members from the nonprofit, business, academic and education sectors, and chaired by Gabriela Gonzalez, deputy director of the Intel Foundation with the Intel Corporation. Pursuant to the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act, the panel will advise the Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (CoSTEM), a collaboration of federal agencies developed under the Obama administration and tasked with coordinating federal programs and activities in support of STEM education, on STEM education-related matters. One of the main goals of the panel is to update the 2013-2018 Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan. 

"This new panel has an opportunity to bring fresh eyes and novel approaches to CoSTEM's next five-year strategic plan, which will help enhance the nation's entire STEM ecosystem," said NSF Director France Córdova, aCoSTEM chair. "NSF continues to generate benefits for society through STEM research. To fulfill that mission, we and our federal partners need to make strategic investments to create new generations of discoverers."

For more information about the STEM Education Advisory Panel, click here: https://nsf.gov/ehr/STEMEdAdvisory.jsp

For more information about CoSTEM, click here: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/costem_charter_signed_01-31-11.pdf

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