FY19 Appropriations for Remaining Seven Appropriations Bills, Including National Science Foundation and NASA are Passed

FY19 Appropriations for Remaining Seven Appropriations Bills, Including National Science Foundation and NASA are Passed

Congress recently passed an appropriations “minibus” package covering Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 funding for agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and NASA. The minibus covered the seven remaining appropriations bills that had not yet been passed. All other appropriations bills had already been enacted through two additional minibus spending packages prior to the start of FY19.

Under the new FY19 minibus, NSF received a four percent, or $308 million increase over its FY18 budget, bringing the FY19 total to $8.075 billion. This total is $600 million above the President’s request.

NIST received a 17.8 percent cut compared to its FY18 budget, bringing the FY19 total to $985 million. Included in this total is $140 million for the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and $15 million for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.

The EPA FY19 budget is $8.06 billion, which is the same as its FY18 budget. Included in this total is $706.5 million for the EPA’s Science and Technology Account, which is also the same as the FY18 total.

NASA received a 3.7 percent, or $763 million increase over its FY18 budget. This brings the FY19 total to $21.5 billion. The minibus also rejects the Trump Administration’s proposal to get rid of the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), and instead provides the STMD with a 14.2 percent, or $167 million increase over its FY18 total.

To view the appropriations legislation in full, click here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-joint-resolution/31/text

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