Michael Kratsios Unanimously Appointed Next Chief Technology Officer

Michael Kratsios Unanimously Appointed Next Chief Technology Officer

Michael Kratsios was officially appointed the fourth U.S. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) by a unanimous vote at his recent senate confirmation hearing. President Trump first announced his intentions to nominate Kratsios to the position in March of this year.
Prior to his appointment, Kratsios served as the Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). He held the position of highest-ranking White House political appointee until the induction of Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, who assumed his position of Director of OSTP in February of this year.

During his confirmation hearing, Kratsios spoke to his experience in OSTP and the work he has undertaken. “From the start, I united OSTP around a clear mission: ensure continued American leadership in emerging technologies,” he said. “Our goals are bipartisan. We all want American innovation, built by American workers and underpinned by American values, to lead the world, increasing our prosperity, enhancing our security and raising our quality of life in the process,” which, in his new capacity as CTO, he “can ultimately chart the path to accomplish this.”

The Office of the Chief Technology Officer falls under the OSTP, and was established under the Obama administration. The office has three primary areas of focus: catalyzing effective public policy; building government capacity through policy; and building national capacity through policy. In his new role, Kratsios specifically will be responsible for serving as a vital link between government and industry, as well as advising the president on technology issues and shaping the nation’s technology policies. There have been three previous individuals to hold the title of CTO prior to Kratsios: Aneesh Chopra, Todd Park, and Megan Smith. All of whom served under President Obama.

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