NSF Directorate for Engineering Holds Fall Advisory Committee Meeting
NSF Directorate for Engineering Holds Fall Advisory Committee Meeting
The National Science Foundation (NSF) held its two-day long fall 2019 Engineering Advisory Committee Meeting in late October at NSF headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. During the meeting, NSF Director France Córdova spoke about how the Engineering Directorate is contributing to NSF’s “Ten Big Ideas,” which include the future of work at the human-technology frontier and transforming education and career pathways to help broaden participation in science and engineering. The Committee meets twice yearly to discuss the how the Directorate is driving investments in engineering research and education to better serve the nation.
The meeting provided an opportunity for divisions to report on activities and discuss timely topics, manufacturing innovation and bioengineering being among the top issues—both of which are key technology areas for ASME. During the meeting, the Assistant Director for Engineering reported on the state of the Directorate and the Division Director of the NSF Budget Division provided an overview of the NSF Budget and its outlook.
The Engineering Directorate provides about 32 percent of the federal funding for fundamental research in engineering at academic institutions and distributes approximately 1,600 research awards each year. For more information on the Engineering Directorate’s goals and activities, take a look at its Engineering Special Reports, which include papers on robotics, advanced manufacturing, high-tech agriculture, and clean water initiatives.
The meeting provided an opportunity for divisions to report on activities and discuss timely topics, manufacturing innovation and bioengineering being among the top issues—both of which are key technology areas for ASME. During the meeting, the Assistant Director for Engineering reported on the state of the Directorate and the Division Director of the NSF Budget Division provided an overview of the NSF Budget and its outlook.
The Engineering Directorate provides about 32 percent of the federal funding for fundamental research in engineering at academic institutions and distributes approximately 1,600 research awards each year. For more information on the Engineering Directorate’s goals and activities, take a look at its Engineering Special Reports, which include papers on robotics, advanced manufacturing, high-tech agriculture, and clean water initiatives.