Open Access
Driven by global engineering communities, ASME ensures that high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed content is accessible and available to everyone, while also supporting compliance with government and funder mandates for OA publication, including Plan S for European-funded research.
ASME offers the option for authors to publish their papers Open Access across all our hybrid journals, or in our fully Open Access ASME Open Journal of Engineering with payment of an Article Publishing Charge (APC).
Read & Publish
ASME offers open-access institutional partnerships, which give authors the benefit of waived or discounted article publication charges (APCs) through their institutional subscription. Upon publication, open-access papers are immediately and permanently accessible online under a Creative Commons CC-BY license.
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Open Access Types
Gold OA (Paid Open Access)
Free to read on the publisher’s site immediately upon publication with author payment of an APC.
Green OA
Research papers are deposited in a public access (free) repository, which are most often institutional or subject related.
Institutional Repositories: Green OA
- Institutional article deposits are supported with ASME permission. Send permission requests to with the following information:
- ASME Paper Number
- Title
- URL of paper (after it is published on the ASME Digital Collection)
- Description and link of funder, governmental, or institutional policy
- After the publication of the final paper, the Accepted Manuscript version is eligible for inclusion in an Institutional Repository to meet governmental, funder, or institutional accessibility requirements.
- Inclusion will be with ASME © and a CC-BY reuse license.
- Conference paper institutional deposits are also supported with permission by contacting:
Open Access Costs (APC)
ASME Journals (hybrid): $3000
ASME Open Journal of Engineering (AOJE):
- ASME Members: $1700
- Non-members: $1950
- As of January 2023, authors have the option to publish their papers Open Access in all ASME Conference Proceedings
- If the proceedings paper is subsequently published OA in an ASME journal, the $1500 is credited to your journal APC.
ASME Publishing Preprint and Self-Archiving Policy
A preprint is a paper that is made available publicly via a community preprint server prior to (or simultaneous with) submission to a journal. Preprint servers, i.e., servers that allow for the posting of papers prior to submission for publication, are becoming more common across a range of disciplines.
ASME Publishing understands that some authors look to make manuscripts available on such a server, and availability on a preprint server should not be a disqualifier for submission. In order to accommodate this, posting of preprints is not currently considered prior publication and will not jeopardize consideration by ASME Journals.
- If accepted for publication, ASME Publishing encourages authors to link from the preprint to their formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
- If a preprint is assigned a DOI, ASME will assign a new DOI to the accepted article as the version of record.
- Preprints should not be added to or enhanced in any way in order to appear more like, or to substitute for, the final versions of articles.
ASME Publishing believes that preprint servers have the potential to dilute citations to the version of record. In addition, preprint servers don’t provide information on submission, peer review decisions, and publication history including instances of erratum, retraction, etc.
The version of record can be placed on the following platforms as a way of maximizing discoverability:
- the author’s personal website
- the author’s company/institutional repository or archive
- not for profit subject-based preprint servers or repositories
Authors should be careful not to assign copyright during the preprint process as it is required for maintaining the version of record.
ASME Self-Archiving Policy
Self-archiving is a term used to describe authors posting their articles on their personal websites and/or on their employer’s websites.
When an article is accepted for publication in an ASME journal, authors are permitted to self-archive the accepted manuscript on their own personal website and/or in their funder or institutional repositories, for public release 12 months after publication. Authors should cite the version of record and DOI number on the first page of any deposited version and provide a link from it to the URL of the published article on the journal’s website.
US Funded Research
ASME also participates in the CHORUS initiative whereby research papers of participating funders are only made available after a one-year embargo.
Ms. Tamiko Fung
Publishing Specialist, Journals
ASME Read & Publish Universities
CQ University | Australia |
Curtin University | Australia |
Deakin University | Australia |
Edith Cowan University | Australia |
Monash University | Australia |
Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
RMIT University | Australia |
Swinburne University of Technology | Australia |
University of Melbourne | Australia |
University of New South Wales | Australia |
University of Queensland | Australia |
University of Sunshine Coast | Australia |
University of Technology Sydney | Australia |
University of Wollongong | Australia |
University of Western Australia | Australia |
Chinese University of Hong Kong | China |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | China |
Czech Tech | Czech Republic |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
Aalto University | Finland |
Deutsches Zentrum Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center) | Germany |
Technical University of Munich | Germany |
TIB Hannover | Germany |
TU Darmstadt | Germany |
TU Graz | Germany |
TU Wien | Germany |
Universität der Bundeswehr | Germany |
Universität Duisburg-Essen | Germany |
University Magdeburg | Germany |
University of Stuttgart | Germany |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong |
Birla Institute of Technology & Science-Pilani | India |
Sri Krishna Institutions | India |
University of Bergamo | Italy |
University of Bologna | Italy |
University of Padua | Italy |
Tokyo Denki University | Japan |
Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan |
Tokyo University of Science | Japan |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Korea |
Korea Aerospace University | Korea |
Korea Institute of Science & Technology | Korea |
American University of Beirut | Lebanon |
American University of Beirut | Lebanon |
Auckland University of Technology | New Zealand |
University of Auckland | New Zealand |
University of Agder | Norway |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
Agency for Defence Development | South Korea |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology | South Korea |
Gyeongsang National University | South Korea |
Hanyang University | South Korea |
Hongik University | South Korea |
Inha University | South Korea |
KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company | South Korea |
Kookmin University | South Korea |
Korea Aerospace University | South Korea |
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute | South Korea |
Korea Institute of Machinery & Material | South Korea |
Korea Institute of Materials Science | South Korea |
Korea University | South Korea |
Kumoh National Institute of Technology | South Korea |
Kyunghee University | South Korea |
Kyungpook National University | South Korea |
LG Energy Solution aka LG Chem | South Korea |
National Tsing Hua University | South Korea |
Seoul National University | South Korea |
Seoul National University Science and Technology | South Korea |
Sogang University | South Korea |
Ulsan National University | South Korea |
Yonsei University | South Korea |
Linköping University | Sweden |
ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
Istanbul Technical University | Turkey |
Istanbul University | Turkey |
Middle East University | Turkey |
Cranfield University | UK |
London South Bank University | UK |
University of Bath | UK |
University of Cambridge | UK |
Auburn University | USA |
California Institute of Technology | USA |
Georgia Technical Institute | USA |
Iowa State University | USA |
Johns Hopkins University | USA |
Northeastern University | USA |
University of Cincinnati | USA |
University of Rhode Island | USA |
University of Utah | USA |
Vanderbilt University | USA |