Board of Governors Approves Organizational Structure Changes at April Meeting

Board of Governors Approves Organizational Structure Changes at April Meeting

Last month at the ASME Board of Governors (BOG) meeting, members of the Board approved two motions that will result in the forming of a new ASME sector and the renaming of an existing sector. The meeting took place April 8 at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C.

During the meeting, the Presidential Task Force on Organizational Structure under ASME President Said Jahanmir gave its final report, which included a number of recommendations for the Board to consider. ASME President-Elect Richard Laudenat then presented two motions that were based on the work of the task force. The Board of Governors approved both of the motions, which are intended to help reengage section and technical division members with the Society.

The first motion approved by the Board called for the dissolution of the Society’s current Group Engagement Committee and the subsequent formation of a new Member Development and Engagement (MDE) Sector to provide governance for sections, student sections and membership development. Once the new MDE Sector is established, the current chair of the Group Engagement Committee, John Mulvihill, will be appointed as its interim senior vice president. Mulvihill’s responsibilities will include developing the new sector’s organizational structure and operating documents, which will be presented to the members of the Board of Governors for review during the fall Board meeting.

The Board of Governors also approved the renaming and restructuring of the Technical Event and Content Sector, which will now be known as the Technical and Engineering (TEC) Communities Sector. The current senior vice president of the TEC sector, Richard Marboe, will work with George Papadopoulos, the incoming SVP to develop operating documents as well as a reporting and governance structure, taking into account the recommendations of the Task Force on Organizational Structure. These documents will then be presented to the BOG for review during the fall Board meeting.

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